Keep New Zealand Beautiful - Environmental volunteer work

CleanupNZ KeepNZgreen lovemotueka motueka nelson Pickup100

.                   12 months ago I took up the challenge. I cleaned up a drain all of 50 metres on the road where I lived. Cans, beer bottles, plastic sandwich containers, steel pipe, shopping bag, biscuit packaging and a blown out tyre what was left of it. The Tasman District council was awesome and supplied rubbish bags free off charge for my efforts and a huge thank you. I challenge you to the Des Watson pick up 100 challenge. Pick up 100

Keep New Zealand Green 7 - 13th Sept 2020 Clean up NZ 2020

Support Des Watson with his Kiwis clean up Aotearoa

Some of the reasons why I LOVE MOTUEKA

Nelson - Tasman Vineyards

Abel Tasman exploring

Kayaking the Abel Tasman

Cycling trails

Favourite coffee shops in Motueka

Little Red Coffee Cart



Favourite Markets & events in this region:

Motueka Sunday Market

The Nelson Market

The Mapua Market

Ngatimoti Fair

The Great Christmas Market

The other thing I do is I recycle - upcycle furniture that would otherwise end up in landfill, turning it into Functional Art


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